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Saison 4

It's hard to find happiness, so you find happiness wherever you can.


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We start over. We start fresh. We start clean. We stay a family. We make a change for the better.


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You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be loved. So, you should go. Go.


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Getting through what happened to you is going to be a special kind of hell. There's no way around that. I'm here to tell you that you can do this 'cause you're not a victim. You're a survivor. You survived this as a way to move forward, past the pain, the shame, the guilt. You won't forget, but you will get there. It's possible. I know it's possible.


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You're the one that's suffering. And ending her life won't end your suffering. It won't make it better. That's crossing an uncross-able line, and it'll destroy you. You're her father. And your only job is to love your daughter as much time as she has left and that will help her. Loving her helps her. And we will be there every step of the way.


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Violet, I love you, but right now, I'm done with you.


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Naomi: I should try not to cry.
Addison: For the next ten minutes, I'm going to be the responsible. And you go ahead and cry. Go ahead. It's okay. You cry. I'm here.

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I met a guy over a pineapple. It makes me feel like my life is changing.


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I'm not clinically depressed. Don't write down that I'm depressed. I have a good life, great job. I love my job, I do. I can't imagine doing anything else. The rest of my life is fine. It's fine. It's just I miss him. I'm missing him. I'm missing my life. I'm disconnected from my life like it's a really boring movie that I don't want to watch, but I spend all day long helping other people have a life. And I can deal with that, I can if I just knew that something was going to change. Something has to change, right? When is my life going to change?


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Betsey: Where am I going to live?
Naomi: You're coming home with me
Violet: She is?
Betsey: For how long?
Naomi: How about forever?
Betsey: Really?
Naomi: Really.

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Charlotte: I'm lucky to have you, Coop. I don't want it to ever seem like I take you for granted.
Cooper: I can't take anything for granted.

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I love you, Naomi. And I'm not sorry I came back for you because I do believe you have to stand up for the things that truly matter, but you've also got to recognize when you've lost.


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Being alone it just sucks. I want my best friend back.


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When it comes to abortion, everybody has an opinion. Everybody is going to want to tell you what to do. If this were 1972, it would have been a back alley and not my elevator that you collapsed in. Because back then, you didn't have a choice and now you do. But, it's still hard. And even after you make the most difficult, personal decision that there is, it's still unsafe. Because you have some fanatic who claims to value life who can walk into an abortion clinic and can blow it up. Pattie, you are the only who knows if you can have a child. Everyone else's opinion is just background noise. So, if you want to keep this baby, I'll support you. If you want to give up for an adoption, I'll help. If you want to have an abortion, I'll do it. I'm not here to judge you. I just need you to know any decision you make is for you. Not for me, not for Dr. Bennet... for you.


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Charlotte: My mom always says God doesn't give with both hands. You're young, beautiful, brilliant. There has to be something you can't have.
Amelia: Some days I'd give that all up.
Charlotte: That's just the craving talking. The longer you go without a drink...
Amelia: I drank at your wedding. I thought it was ginger ale. I spit it out.
Charlotte: OK, since then?
Amelia: Nothing, but I can't stop thinking about it.
Charlotte: It was an accident. Don't let a slip turn into a fall. Get your butt to a meeting.

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Cooper: I think it's a mistake for us to do this. Everyone out there, they're miserable. Our parents don't think it's going to work. The practice is falling apart. Everyone is fighting. I don't care what anybody thinks or how they feel - not today.
Charlotte: I don't understand.
Cooper: All that matters is you and me. And the rest of them, they don't have to agree or to like it or to like each other because this is not for them or about them.

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Addison: There's been this wall up between you and me since Sam and I got together, and I don't want it there anymore. I want my best friend back. That's it. You're not going to say anything?
Naomi: I hope it was worth it.

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Naomi: There's a law against stalking.
Fife: Prison doesn't scare me.

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We're junkies together. That makes us BFF's in my book.


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Are you getting pre-wedding jitters? Are you going to choke up at the altar? I will drive the getaway car. No questions asked.


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I took having kids for granted because a 13-year-old girl can do it, because a 75-year-old man can do it. You know who can't do it? ...An overeducated, talented, strong, powerful woman in her 40s. How ridiculous is that? How mad am I at my body? I waited too long, and now it's time. And the clock inside me, Sam, just isn't ticking anymore. The alarm inside of me is going off. It's screaming it's time. I can't wait - not anymore.


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Cooper: Sure then, Charlie.
Charlotte: You call me that again...you will be hobbling down that aisle.

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How many chances do we get at love, right?


The problem is not going to fix itself if it's bothering you this much.


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Charlotte: It's just back then you were the right choice - the perfect guy. My parents loved you. My friends loved you. I loved you. And now knowing that I fell in love with a man who could never love me back, not what I needed. I never thought of myself as woman who makes bad choices.
Billy: Is that what this is about? You feel like an idiot? You couldn't have known. Hell, I didn't know, but, this time don't you think you got it right?

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Sam: When you're in love with someone, Addison, when you're in a real relationship, you don't do that.
Addison: Our relationship is real. Sam, I love you.
Sam: Then, why'd you give me an ultimatum?
Addison: We discussed it.
Sam: We did not discuss. You said we either have a baby or end it. That is not a discussion.

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Sometimes wanting a baby it's like nothing else matters, but you have to think about what you two have been through and that you could die.


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Charlotte: Here's the thing. I don't know your father. And maybe when you were a newborn, he did look at you and wished that you were Andy 'cause frankly all babies look the same. They're all bald, wailing, poop machines, but the minute you started to grow - you were Cooper, not some replacement child.
Cooper: What did you do?
Charlotte: You can't give up on the things you love - not ever.

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If you are able to forgive Francis, she won't be able to control you anymore. She is who she is. You are who you are, and the only thing that's important is how you move forward, but that's up to you.


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Charlotte: Why didn't you tell me you played piano?
Cooper: It didn't seem important.
Charlotte: Sounds like you used to love it.
Cooper: I used to love to eat paste, too.
Charlotte: Why'd you give it up?
Cooper: The piano or the paste?

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You're just a kid. You can't close yourself off to the idea that other things could be equally if not more important.


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This kid has a gift. Who are we to take it away from him?


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Violet: Are you two dating?
Sheldon: Well, you know labels can be so confining.
Marla: We're dating.

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You need to dig deeper, Lorraine, for your daughter. You wanted to be a mother, and now you are one. If you believe that you can be a good parent to that little girl, then you will be, but you need to believe it. You need to be willing to do anything to protect her because parenthood is a fight - you have to be willing to get in it.


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Sheldon: All I'm saying is you were harsh. Violet's a friend, and you hurt her feelings.
Marla: It's cute you're so protective of her.
Sheldon: All right me being called cute - No man likes to be called cute.
Marla: I can think of worse things to call you.
Sheldon: What kind of therapist specializes in insults?

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I understand that you can't choose who you fall in love with, but you can choose to be honest.


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Pete: Life isn't a cheap romance novel. You know, it's supposed to be about making a commitment and honoring it.
Addison: Sometimes. Then, other times...for other people, it's about passion.

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Auntie Amelia - Even though you divorced my brother, I'm still going to be your kid's aunt, right?


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Amelia: Are you late?
Addison: Yes, but I can't be. You don't think...
Amelia: You're preggers! This is awesome.

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Naomi: Just coming back here, I'm just not sure anymore. How far is too far for everyone? I'm sorry...I just - nothing feels right here anymore. I wish it did, but it just doesn't. I can't. I just can't be here.
Gabriel: Then, come with me then. I was over you...over you. Back at the NIH doing the kind of work I love, and they were happy to have me back...excited about the cutting edge research I was doing for them. They threw money at me. Research grants, post docs, unlimited lab resources - It was a dream job and I had it all. I had everything, almost everything. I quit my job and walked out on them. Sold my place and sold everything I owned. I came out here to be with you.
Naomi: You're my past, Gabriel. You're all my past.

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You know what. Your boyfriend was my husband for 17 years. He married me. I had his child. So, unless you ever hit those milestones, my relationship with Sam will always trump yours.


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Amelia: Life is hard. There's no way to predict what's going to happen. Someone could back out of their driveway tomorrow and mow me down, and I would be dead before you. Right now is all anybody has. Right this minute. And yes, this diagnosis is unspeakably cruel and living with it will be a daily struggle, but as long as the good days outnumber the bad - You gotta live those days. Why would you give up rocky road ice cream before you have to...or swimming in the ocean or driving? God, driving with the top down on a sunny day? That has got to be worth living for.
Michelle: It is. Right now when you say it, it is. But when you're not here cheering me on how am I going to make it through this?
Amelia: First off, I am your friend and I will be here cheering you on until you take your last breath.

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Parenting is more than onesies and bassinets. It's a lifelong commitment no matter how long or short that life is.


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Sheldon: Grief has its own timeline.
Addison: Wait, wait...what does that mean?
Sheldon: When you can't get off until the ride stops.

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Pete: This is why doctors shouldn't treat their friends.
Amelia: I'm doing this because I'm her friend.

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Naomi: The last time I saw you, you yelled at me and you just rolled off.
Gabriel: Rolled? Really... Nae?
Naomi: That, that's not what I meant.
Gabriel: He's gone, and I'm back. So, let the wooing begin.

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You are Addison Forbes Montgomery. World class surgeon. And I have never ever seen you back away from a fight.


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I've divorced your father and I'm marrying Susan.


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Lucas's mom is amazing.


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Amelia: You are not a neurosurgeon!
Addison: You were promising her a cure!
Amelia: Because I can give her one, because I AM a neurosurgeon! Look I don't tell you how to handle vaginas!

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You ever been violated? Anybody rape you lately? Let me tell you what its like. You know those made for TV movies where some woman's crouched down naked in a shower holding her knees and sobbing because when she closes her eyes she can still feel the guys hands on her? How when they show the attack the woman's eyes go all blank and still and she goes to some other place in her mind just to deal with the horror of what's happening to her while some Lillith Fair song plays. It is nothing like that. He's sturdy and sweaty and he licks your face and wipes himself off in your hair and when you try to scream he punches you so hard you see God. And then he goes at you again reaping stuff you didn't even know you had because he enjoyed it so much the first time. I know you're trying to help but if helping me means that everyone is gonna be looking at me the way you're looking at me now please do not help me.


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Charlotte: Anything else you need to do for your special friend tonight, or are you off the clock?
Cooper: You're an idiot. I love you, but... idiot all the time. I mean, how can you be jealous of me and Violet? She's... we're... you... She's Violet.
Charlotte: I'm not jealous of you and Violet. I'm jealous of me and you. You're all up in Violet's wedding, and you and I can't even agree on pastor versus rabbi.
Cooper: Okay. Pastor and rabbi. Idiot.
Charlotte: There's a storage shed near the back.
Cooper: I've never done it in a room that smells of compost.
Charlotte: Well, there's a first time for everything.

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Cooper: Charlotte, I forgot to tell you, a spring wedding... no go. My mother reminded me... allergies.
Charlotte: It'll be a conversation.

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Naomi: You want to hear something incredibly sad?
Addison: Who says yes to that?
Naomi: I'm gonna tell you anyway.

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Pete: I know how much you wanted things to work out with Sam. And I was hoping they would, too, especially given me and Violet. It would've been... nice.
Addison: Yeah. Would've been nice.
Pete: If you ever want to talk...
Addison: Talking to you... about what happened between me and Sam? I'd rather think about dead babies but... thank you.

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You didn't bring me here for moral support, did you? You wanted a witness to go tell Cooper that you had tried because if he would have been here he would have seen how you reacted and he would have known, too.


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We did a bad thing. You all know it. We did a bad thing.


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I hope you that you will get to go to a home. A home with a mom and dad who have always wanted a little girl. A mom and dad of your very own who will love you so much because they're gonna see how special you are.


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Your do-over is not with Betsey. It's with Lucas.


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Where am I going to sleep tonight?


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